
Friday 1 July 2011


In any given market, the most distinguished brands would be those considered to be a memorable consumer brands that are either well established or have been in circulation for decades that indefinitely etched its brand name into the mindset of consumer for a particular field of market.
Nonetheless the same rule applies to tyre market as well. As most consumer may only recognized well establish brands and totally ignore other up coming brands. For the past decade, we have witness and lived through the turmoils of our fragile economy with oil prices constantly rising the price of goods sky rocketed. With most major brands scrambling to increase their manufactured goods price to cope with their immense cost, there is only a few available option for the average consumers either live with it or choose different brands that is affordable and gives the same in quality of made in performance and durability.

PRESA Tyres is a brand new name for local Malaysian market, most tyre shop and auto repair shop may never even heard of it but in the international arena, PRESA Tyres had made quite distinguish mark.

PRESA Tyres is one of the latest and innovative lines from Cheng Shin Rubberone of the most important global brands recognized for their high quality all around the world. The PRESA tyres were first developed to cater the European market specification yet now it's expansion covers not only in Europe theater but also across Asia continent and Latin America as well.

Some of the radial PRESA Tyre Patterns for 4 wheel vehicle that we have. (More coming soon)

Both Figure shows the tyre tread patterns for PRESA PS01. Below is PS01 the specifications.

The overall specification for PS01


Both Figure shows the tyre tread patterns for PRESA PS55. Below is PS55 the specifications.

 The overall specification for PS55

The current sole distributor for PRESA tyre is Pemasaran Alat Ganti Sdn. Bhd. which is a part of subsidiary of Tan Chong Motor Holdings Berhad (famous for their part in distribution of NISSAN vehicles). The Main dealer for the mentioned subsidiary group would be us, Hiap Hoe Loon Tai Sdn. Bhd.

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