
Tuesday 28 June 2011

Driver Safety & Tyre Care

Driving privately owned vehicle either to work or running errands has nowadays become a norm. Although a part of general population still consider caring for our car meant primarily by waxing or washing the vehicle exterior, is all there is to it to prolong our car life expectancy, still it is true any individual greatly considers the outer appearance of a car is far more important than the innards of a car. Frequent checks on the internal workings of a car is important, simply because it's for our own well being and not to mention keeping our wallets safe from any unwanted expensive spending on car repairs.

Couple of tips and tricks to make your car safer and reliable at all times.
  1. Frequently checks on the engine oil level.
  2. Frequent checks on the quantity of radiator coolant. Do not be alarm as radiator coolant volume will slowly decrease in time, therefore it is advised to replenish the radiator coolant by simply pour water into the holding tank (normally located next to the radiator grill) until it reaches a level shown by an indicator on the holding tank. But take caution, if the level of radiator coolant frequently drops, please stop by at any local repair shop for checks.
  3. Frequently test the hardness of the wind shield wiper working end (the rubber tip on contact with wind shield). A good condition wipers should be able to clear water from wind shield at a pace about 1.2 seconds (medium speed).
  4. It is advised to have your car checked by mechanics at least once in every 3 months for optimum performance and well being of the car.

Tyre's well being

For safety, why not spend just a few minutes checking our car's tyre pressure.
It is easy, safe and best of all FREE!! there is no need for elaborate apparatus or expensive pressure gauge, just a trip to any local petrol station that provides free air will do.
Should your vehicle still runs on the original factory installed tyres, the instruction for correct pressure level can be found in most cars, by the the edge of driver side door. for example;

After checking tyre pressure, it is also vital to check the level of depth for tyre tread, which is the patterns on the surface of the tyre that always contacts the tarmac. Also there is a very simple test for this in particular.

The figure on the left, shows a badly worn out tyre tread. 

The Figure on the Right shows a brand new tyre.

As shown by the two figures above, a brand new tyre tread depth should be at least covers the 20cents coin number figure by 60%

Should your current tyre's tread depth did not even touches the base of the number 20 on a 20 cents coin, your tyre is worn out and continuity of usage may results in vehicle skidding or worst a tyre rupture where your tyre will explode like a balloon.

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