Like any well organized or renowned establishment, we at Hiap Hoe Loon Tai emphasis on customer satisfaction and the quality of our both products and services. But to achieve these goals, a certain kind of individuals with sets of highly motivated and responsibility is most sought for, that's where we at Hiap Hoe Loon Tai is proud to have our very own dedicated teams of employees tasked based on their field of specialty. Now, the question is, how our employees get motivated and charged for the day? Like any normal household, discipline is the essence, here at Hiap Hoe Loon Tai, we get things done by implementing chore duty for all ranks of our employees. Here are some of the rarely witnessed scene on preparation for the day.
The common general public misconception was that most equipment is now either motorized or electric motor driven, but that is not necessarily true for these mechanical/hydraulic wonder.
Using nothing but the hydraulic concept and human power, these hydraulic jacks are still in use today and most of the time, the jack is proven to be more convenient and time saving given the nature of the task doesn't
exceeds its maximum
safety load, if so more than one jack is required. Here, we can see one of our employee replacing the jack back to its initial storage bay for ease of retrieval and to avoid unwanted accidents as these jacks are below the visible field of any drivers.
Of course the jack's condition is constantly monitored, not because to make it look good, but as a safety precaution as each of the hydraulic cylinders is under enormous pressure and any minute puncture may lead to catastrophic rupture. Therefore it must be checked for fluid levels and possible devastating debris constantly.
When Nature Calls
The stinking truth is, most people either knowingly or not judges a premise by the toilet hygiene level. As one of the most important necessity in our daily life, a clean toilet brings cheers and comfort to the users. Here at Hiap Hoe Loon Tai, we do more than just daily toilet cleaning, in addition we also use deodorants and air fresheners, and we made different module for both genders
Surau on Our Premise
Then, It Begins
Beneath all the chaos, we maintain order by constant communication between our employee ranks. We implement written order sheet to minimized human errors.